Fantasy grounds ii wiki
Fantasy grounds ii wiki

fantasy grounds ii wiki

To do this click the PCs button at the top of the right hand menu and in the window which opens click the brown edit button at the bottom, then the green add button. To create a new character first bring up a new character sheet. If you do not have this theme then the icons on your screen will show differently but they will still be in the same location as the ones shown in my screenshots. You can select this theme at the campaign load screen by checking the dot next to '5e Theme - Wizards'. NOTE: The screenshots in this article were made using the Wizards Theme which you will have available if you have any of the official D&D 5e products. Use the index above to jump to any part of the article. The remainder of this article is divided into a tutorial walk-through of creating a character and a reference section. Any such automated functionality will be written to the Chat window so you can see what was added. In addition, Fantasy Grounds will also add race, background or class level appropriate abilities to your character's ability tab automatically and for races, it will automatically adjust stat bonuses. If you have any of the modules for the various official D&D Class packs, or the Complete Player's handbook, you can drag and drop the links for items such as class, race, background, equipment and more onto the appropriate locations on the character sheet to automatically copy the text with the link included for later reference. Notes: Character background details, appearance and notes.Inventory: Equipment, coins and encumbrance.Abilities: Feats, special abilities, class features and traits, proficiencies and languages.Main: Character Class and level, abilities, hit points, wounds, saves, defenses, speed, senses, and overview of common combat totals.The sheets contain the following information. The 5e character sheet is comprised of several individual sheets organized by tabs along the right hand side. 3.6 Hit points, Armor Class and Experience.3 Building a Character With Official D&D Class Packs.

#Fantasy grounds ii wiki full

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and the included 5E Compatible ruleset. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.3.6 and higher. You've been granted the hospitality of the storm giant prince Clovis Tempestas II, and he's always up for a little? more. This introductory adventure can be instantly inserted into any campaign without preamble, as it opens with the player characters being the unwitting targets of a Summon Monster spell! Once summoned into the very hands of a mad and drunken giant, the player characters will find themselves exploring a realm designed for creatures ten times their size as they fight all manner of strange creature, traverse larger than life obstacles and objects, encounter other adventurers who have fallen into the clutches of the mad prince Tempestas, and even risk plummeting to their death as the very foundation of the cloud castle of Stormridge Sanctum is crumbling beneath their boots!Ĭan the player characters placate the whims of a giant drunk on power and lost grace? Will they survive encounters with the strange animated objects that have become twisted by decades of neglected magic beneath a crumbling castle? And just what the hell is that echoing boom coming from the eastern part of the wine cellar?! He cannot be bothered to wade into such filth himself and he has no servants remaining in his household, so he has used what little magic his grape-addled mind can recall and summoned new servants: A troupe of unsuspecting adventures who will serve - and if necessary, die - to save his beloved wine. To his horror strange creatures slither between bottles of his finest family vintage. Now his beloved wine cellar has become flooded with a foul murk. He concerns himself only with base pleasures and none more so than his immensely valuable stock of family wine. Now a single storm giant noble remains, the haughty dilettante sorcerer-prince Clovis Tempestas II.

Fantasy grounds ii wiki